The Chronicle of Higher Education

The chronicle of higher education is the leading source of news, advice. Job advertisements for faculty members and administrators at colleges and universities. Founded in 1966, it is based in Washington, D.C. Is a major news service in the United States for academic affairs. Its web site features current and archived content, daily news and advice columns. A searchable job database, and vibrant discussion forums.

The Chronicle of Higher Education History

Whether studying a single university or examining a higher education institution within an imperial or global context. Historians have found that “scale” offers new opportunities for investigating the history of universities.

The first half of the twentieth century witnessed a transformation in the definition of higher education. During this time, the traditional liberal arts curriculum gave way to science and vocational training.

As a result, universities gained funding and resources from the federal government. This increased the scope and range of their programs. Helped to shape public perceptions about their role in national defense.

During World War I, colleges provided special training programs for military personnel. And aided in research leading to innovations in warfare. This cooperation between the universities and federal agencies was a major factor in the founding of many new campuses.










The Chronicle of Higher Education is a well-known independent weekly newspaper devoted to national issues that affect higher education. First published in 1966, the publication is a reliable source of news and information for college administrators, faculty members, students and alumni.

Those with an interest in LIS and the culture of academe can write about a variety of topics for this publication. Whether they write in the form of book reviews or longer commentary pieces, the chance of being published here is high.

The Chronicle also features a special section, Change, which spotlights trends and offers new perspectives on important developments in the world of higher education. It includes columns on influential institutions and individuals, as well as analytical features on national developments in postsecondary education.

The Chronicle of Higher Education News

The Chronicle of Higher Education News








The Chronicle of Higher Education is the nation’s largest news outlet covering colleges and universities. The publication offers current and archived content and other tools to help readers stay up-to-date on the latest issues, trends and policies in higher education.

The chronicle’s website provides access to the complete contents of the latest issue, daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; an archive of previously published content; vibrant discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management and salary databases. It also has a free email newsletter.

In 2007 The Chronicle was ranked among the 10 most credible news sources by the widely used survey of thought leaders, Erdos & Morgan. The Utne Reader that year named it for “best political coverage” among independent newspapers.